We support you
to change the World!

Authentic. Transformational. Sustainable.

Struggling with Cross-Cultural Leadership? We’ve Got You Covered!

Do you want to change the world
and are you being held back by conflict and communication problems in your multicultural team?

We help you to find a way to more meaning and depth.

Find your way,

Your Goal: Meaningful relationships Fulfillment on the job Healthy team culture !

you love to go to work in the morning

you build meaningful relationships in your team

you positively shape your team culture

Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts.
It is about one life influencing another!

Friction loss.
you are frustrated.

Are you frustrated about your colleagues?

This costs you a lot of emotional energy that you would rather use elsewhere!

Having trouble making unanimous decisions in your team?

Meetings are not efficient and as a team you are slow to move forward on your projects!

Teamwork is rather exhausting and difficult for you?

As a result, creative ideas are stifled and potential is not used to the full!

There are too many conflicts and misunderstandings?

Valuable capacity is not used where it is actually needed!

Don't let it get that far!

If you want to be great,
you must be the servant of all the others.


Years of Experience

Your expectation.
Shaping Team Culture positively.


We don't just treat symptoms, we treat causes. Through careful analysis, we get to the root of the issue and can determine exactly which workshop modules are right for you and your team.


Together we develop new perspectives in caring for your employees.


We'll strengthen your back and help you take your people management skills to the next level.


Our support is not a one-time thing!
We will accompany you and support you in implementing the impulses in the long term.


Tobi Krick
Tobi KrickEntrepreneur, Unternehmer und Redner
Matthias hat mich über viele Monate als Coach begleitet. Ich schätze besonders seine professionelle, empathische und mutmachende Art. Er hat in meinem Leben einen riesigen Unterschied gemacht. Er hat mich immer wieder reflektiert, mir genau die richtigen Fragen gestellt und mir geholfen, meine Probleme und Engpässe von verschiedenen Perspektiven zu betrachten und Lösungen zu finden. Klare Empfehlung!
Darren Wall
Darren WallDirector for Finance & Corporate Services
I have known Matthias in a professional capacity for over 10 years. When I was considering a career change, Matthias provided coaching that enabled me to gain clarity regarding my required next steps in that process. This was a significant help for me for which I am very grateful to Matthias. He brings many years of coaching experience to his work with clients and is extremely gifted at helping them explore the decision making avenues they need to without pushing his own views onto them. His insights into the circumstances being explored are so helpful in helping clients to identify how they might best approach the matter being considered, enabling them to come to well worked through and considered decisions to take forward. I have no hesitation in recommending Matthias to anyone seeking coaching support as they seek to work through matters they are desiring to.
Thorsten Grahn
Thorsten GrahnPhD, MSc, MAOL, certified Trainer, Coach and Consultant New Work
Ich kenne Matthias seit mehreren Jahren insbesondere aus gemeinsamen Netzwerktreffen und themenbezogenen Task Forces. Ich schätze Matthias als einen sehr professionellen Gesprächspartner im Bereich Beratung, Training und Coaching, der bereitwillig seinen fundierten und umfangreichen Wissens - und Erfahrungsschatz mit anderen teilt, um sie in ihrer Entwicklung - sei es als Individuum oder als Organisation – weiterzuentwickeln. Auffallend ist dabei die sehr konstruktive und unterstützende Art und Weise, mit der Matthias seine Kompetenzen zum Besten aller einbringt.
Wolfgang Pfau
Wolfgang PfauLeadership - WEC International
As an organisation we had the recent privilege of working with an exceptional external coach Matthias Holighaus who played a vital role in helping us navigate a challenging crisis within our organization.
Through interviews with key stakeholders, he gained insights into the complexities of the situation and examined the events that led to the crisis. Matthias provided us with a comprehensive written situational analysis report which was shared with those involved and followed by a verbal presentation. This stimulated a fruitful discussion. His approach was insightful and thorough. His impartial perspective was invaluable in guiding us towards effective resolutions, and the recommendations he provided allowed us to reflect and strategise for the future direction in that specific situation of our organization. With his expertise and guidance, we have been able to overcome such a complex issue and gain perspective and hope. We are very grateful for his support and highly recommend ‘passage2purpoese’ to any organization in need of strategic guidance for complex situations with conflicting views.

Success has two letters: D O

Together we can change the World!